KGC Features

Discipline breeds excellence, keeping this in mind Kokrajhar Govt. College makes it a point to leave no stone unturned to inculcate a spirit and culture of discipline in every young minds so as to enable them to bring out the best that lies within them or to develop their talents with sustained efforts. Education empowers and enlightens. It enables even the weakest of the weak strata of the society to participate equally in a democratic polity. Since 1959, Kokrajhar Govt. College (then Kokrajhar College) has catered to this end. From the time of its inception, the College has always laid emphasis on value based and job orientated education even though it has little scope to design course materials or to introduce new courses. Initially, the College started with Arts stream with limited subjects, viz. English, Assamese, Bengali, History, Political Science and Economics. Gradually, subjects like Education, Philosophy, Statistics, Geography, Bodo and Sociology have been introduced. Out of these, the most recent, being Sociology.

The College offers Higher Secondary, Under Graduate and Post Graduate courses in both Arts and Science streams. However, presently the Post Graduate courses are limited to the subjects of English, Assamese, Mathematics and Chemistry but, the College is actively considering introduction of PG courses in other subjects as well in due course of time. Currently, the College offers Major courses in almost all the subjects in Arts stream which are English, Bodo, Assamese, History, Economics, Education, Political Science, Geography, Hindi, Bengali, Philosophy and Sociology. Thereafter, considering need of science studies the Science stream was introduced in 1964 initially with three subjects, viz. Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics. Later life sciences Botany and Zoology were introduced. Recently, Computer Science and Statistics were added. Until recently Kokrajhar Govt. College was one of the few institutions of higher education offering science studies in lower Assam.

From a humble beginning the College has steadily grown in size and strength and it has attained a status of eminence in the field of higher education in the state. It has produced illustrious alumni year after year. Its alumni occupy influential positions in the society in every walk of life today. In recognition of this yeoman service he Government of Assam declared the College as a Government College on the 22nd of August 2006.

At present the College has got an administrative block, a science block, a library building, and two arts blocks apart from two old blocks of Assam type structure. The administrative block houses office room, Principal’s Chamber and Conference Hall and departmental rooms, major classrooms, lab and the office room of IQAC on the first floor. The College canteen is located at front side, adjacent to the college road. The playground of the College is shared by the Kokrajhar District Sports Association. The College has two Boys’ Hostels and one Girls’ Hostel. The botanical garden of Botany Department is located in the north-east corner of the campus.

The central library of the College named Nilkamal Brahma Central Library after the famous Bodo litterateur and alumni of the College is housed in a spacious building with modern facilities. At present the Library has a collection of over 30,000 books, 30 journals and periodicals (29 National and International) and 10 National and local Newspapers. The Library maintains a book bank which has 1552 essential books for financially disadvantaged students. The process of computerization of the library is under process. The Library tries to provide open access to the students for maximum convenience. All the books are automated with barcode. An internet facility is attached in the Library. Apart from the Central Library, each department has a Departmental Library which remains under departmental head’s control.

The College has NCC and NSS training facilities. Recently the College introduced Scouts and Guides Cell to inculcate into the young minds the nobility of service to the society, to the nation, and to people in time of need. The Extension Education Centre conducts programmes of community interest such as awareness on environmental pollution, epidemic and endemic diseases, the health hazards arising from unhealthy lifestyles and basic education of modern living which includes empowerment of community as well as individual, literacy, quality education, civic responsibilities, etc. The Career-Counselling Cell offers guidance for further studies and job opportunities. The co-ordinator of the Cell arranges motivation and counselling sessions by inviting experts in the given field. In addition to these, the College maintains a Grievance Redressal Cell to address the grievances of the students and the faculty. Notably, the College has a Students’ Day Home.

Kokrajhar Govt. College has earned a name for itself in cultural activities, music, sports and in N.C.C. events. The students’ union known by the nomenclature KGCSU (Kokrajhar Govt. College Students’ Union) is a representative of the Students and exercises power as enshrined in the College byelaw. The Union plays an important role in the smooth and efficient running of the College. The union organizes co-curricular activities regularly such as Annual Bonjar Festival, Fresher’s Social, Sports Events, etc. Groomed by the Principal and the Professors-in-charge of different sections of the Union, the members of the KGCSU are given numerous opportunities to hone their leadership talents. It is noteworthy to mention here that a large number of former members of the Union have evolved into influential student leaders, political leaders/ activists and social workers/ entrepreneurs/ activists.

Over the years the numbers of students securing first division/class in both higher secondary and degree courses have increased substantially since its initial years. Since its inception the College has emphasised on quality education. Recent trends indicate an improvement in the overall educational scenario and a recovery from the malaise brought about by two protracted students’ movements from the second half of the 70s through the end of 90s. In this regard, Late Mukul Chandra Brahma, former Principal took the lead role in maintaining the standard of education in the College.

The track record of the College in sports is laudable. In every University sports competitions, College has achieved numero uno position. The College athletic team were Champions in the Inter-College Sports Festival held in Pandu College in 1999. A number of students of the College represented Gauhati University and the State in national level football, volley-ball and athletics. NIS football coaches Mr. Pradip Brahma, Mr. Babul Basumatary and Mr. Bidhan Das are alumni of Kokrajhar Govt. College. The College sprinter Mrs. Subhra Chatterjee won two gold medals in the Inter-College Sports Festival held at Nalbari in 1979. She represented the State several times in the national level. The football team of the College was finalists in the Inter-College Football Tournament of Gauhati University held at Gossaigaon College in 2011 as well as in 2016 which was hosted by the College.

The NCC troupe has won several prizes both in camping and in the drills performed during Independence and Republic Day celebrations. Recently the NCC brought honour to the college by securing first prize as best drill presentation in the 73rd Republic Day celebration. The National Service Scheme has been active in the College. The NSS volunteers have conducted both normal and special camps in interior places of the neighbourhood.

The College has a Bodo Students’ Literary Society which was established in 1968. The Society was formed by the conscious students of the time to work for the betterment of Bodo language and literature which has played a significant role in developing Bodo language and literature. The Society publishes the writings of students and teachers in its annual magazine, Onzima. Numerous literary pieces published in this Magazine have found place in the anthologies of Bodo poetry, essays and short stories. The popular short story writer Nilkamal Brahma was once an editor of the Magazine. Since the 1980s the Society has been conducting seminars on literary topics by organizing a literary festival in memory of the pioneering Bodo poet Ishan Mushahary, often referred to as a Bodo romantic poet.

The College has a unit of World Society of Mathematical Sciences, which is working towards combating the downward trend of interest in the field of Mathematical Sciences. World Society of Mathematical Sciences works globally, not just locally in this issue. It may be mentioned that the society was formed under the initiative of the Department of Mathematics of the College.

On 22nd September, 2003 prominent alumni of the College formed an Alumni Association. The Association was formed to provide a platform for the alumni to participate actively in its growth and development. Accordingly, the Association prepared a constitution reflecting the vision and mission of the organization. Thus, “Friendship, Discipline and Excellence” was adopted as the motto of the Association. The Association has created a trust fund for the welfare of talented and meritorious students from economically humble backgrounds. The Association confers Best Student Alumni Award annually to the students securing highest marks in secondary and degree courses from the College.

Being a part of this institution makes one uphold its legacy and be the participant of its glorious history.